How To Convince A Person Correctly

How to convince a person correctly

Very often we need something from other people, but we don’t know how to ask for it correctly. Even more often, we just need to convince a person of something, but when convincing, we make a whole bunch of mistakes.

How to avoid the main mistakes when persuading a person will be discussed in this article. We will analyze with you 10 main mistakes when persuading a person. Are you also looking for How to convince a person?

How To Convince A person:

How to convince a person
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These are some effective steps that you can follow to convince someone easily.

The First Mistake There Is No Rapport:

You have not created enough close communication with the person. Of course, try approaching a person on the street and asking him to make you tea. They will refuse you.

You can ask the same thing from a friend close to you. Probably, in the second case, your friend will most likely make you tea, because there is a connection between you (rapport established). So, make sure that there is rapport and that you establish a strong connection with the person.

Error Two Strong pressure:

Error two Strong pressure
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Sometimes, when persuading people, they put too much pressure on their communication opponent. This creates an uncomfortable state. The interlocutor will try to avoid further communication with you. And only with his heels sparkling… will he run away.

Error Three Low Blood pressure:

Also the opposite error. If you don’t say what you want directly and don’t insist on your own, then the person will never understand that this is something important to you. You can’t even ask for this normally.

Therefore, find a middle ground in pressure and be assertive – and flexible in convincing the other person.

Error Four Unclear wording:

Error four Unclear wording
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Often, the speech of our interlocutors resembles porridge. This is not entirely good if we want to convince another person. Therefore, our speech must be clear, understandable, and clear to the other person. It is best to express your thoughts clearly and clearly. There is no need to run wild with thoughts. This will not bring more good results.

Error five there is no set goal in persuasion.
To convince you need to know what to convince. This is one of the main problems in convincing a person. You must know what you are convincing the person of right now. After all, many salespeople think that they are convincing a person to buy… when, in fact, they only need to convince a person to come again. This is often how to convince a person to buy your belief at the time you need. This is a very big problem in the sales process.

Error Six Human Values Have Not Been Identified:

If you know a person’s values you can manage him. After all, you can build your persuasive speech on the most important arguments for this person. Of course, the opposite is also true; if you do not know a person’s values, then the likelihood that your arguments will hit the target decreases sharply and approaches zero.

Mistake Seven The person Does Not Have The Resources To Fulfill your Request:

Mistake seven the person does not have the resources to fulfill your reques
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Sometimes, a person does not have what you ask of him. So it is important to pay attention to the resources that our interlocutor has at a given moment in time. If these resources suit us, then we proceed to persuasion.

Error Eight A person Also Has Circumstances:

Error eight a person also has circumstances
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In some circumstances, we have to limit ourselves in some ways. Therefore you need to know if your opponent has any circumstances that will prevent him from fulfilling your request. This must be done in advance. Still in preparatory work before convincing.

Error Nine The person Does Not Understand Your Persuasive Language:

A very common mistake. You are speaking to a person in a language that is not theirs. How, for example, do people from one group understand other people? Right! They have their language – their vocabulary, in which they communicate and easily understand each other.

These are both specific words, terms, concepts, and the construction of the speech itself. Be careful when constructing your speech with a specific interlocutor and convey information in a language that he understands.

Error Ten You Didn’t Link Your Request To His Goals Or Compensate For The Resource Costs:

But every person has his own goals, which he knows about or not. Therefore, you need to build your presentation of persuasion based on the goals of the other person. The person should benefit from helping you. Then his motivation is very high and your request will be fulfilled at the highest level. These are the main mistakes made when convincing another person.


Remember that the quality of your persuasion depends on how well you construct your persuasive speech and how well you can convey information in the language of your interlocutor. Most mistakes are made precisely at the preparatory stage: collecting information about the interlocutor.

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