Better manage your money by making a budget to track how much you spend and save. It’s also helpful to save a little money regularly, so you have some extra for things you might need later. Think carefully before you buy something: do you need it? By following these simple steps you can keep your money in good shape and avoid spending too much. These easy tips-to-follow guidelines will greatly improve your financial management. Why do you want to understand How to solve problems of material well-being?
How To Solve Problems Of Material Well-Being:
The fact is that during the construction of socialism, being rich was considered shameful, and people who sought to earn money and live a wealthy life were oppressed in every possible way. During Perestroika, much has changed in the lives and consciousness of our people. But it remains a problem for many to accept the abundance and generosity of life and find their rightful place in it.
Using Magical Drawing To Take Advantage Of Prosperity:
If we still want to make our life rich and abundant, the first thing we need to understand and accept is that we were created not for poverty and ordeal, but for a full life, to live in abundance and prosperity and never in what not to need.
To do this, let’s start our work with a MAGIC DRAWING. Take a piece of paper and colored pencils and draw yourself as a rich, happy, and prosperous person. If you don’t know how to draw, don’t be shy about it. This is psychological work and the main thing here is not the beauty of the drawing. But the joyful emotions, thoughts, and feelings that you put into your drawing. Use colored pencils or markers to express the feeling of joy and positive emotions that you will experience as a prosperous person.
Through Art, harnessing positive Energy For prosperity:
During this work, you will feel how your mood changes for the better, and your energy becomes bright, lively, and joyful. Do not spare anything for your loved ones. Put into your drawing the feeling, the feelings that you will have when your dream of becoming a rich man comes true. Feel this state and get used to it. This is the way into your prosperity. All rich people have, first of all, peace and tranquillity of soul. Having found harmony and peace within yourself, you have already taken the first step towards your dream. And the exercises from the section Concentration On The Positive or Heaven on Earth will help you with this. These activities will go quite far in changing your reasoning in a positive manner that you want to do anything great.
Using Magical Gratitude And Affirmations To Elevate Your Life:
So, the magical drawing is already ready. The next part of our work will be MAGICAL GRATITUDE and MAGICAL AFFIRMATIONS. Create an affirmation like “I am thankful that I am rich and happy,” or “I am grateful for the abundance in my life,” or “My true self is already choosing the best job for me,” or “My job brings I have a stable high income” or any other that expresses your feelings and desires. Repeat these affirmations with the feeling as if you are already a wealthy person. Repeat them everywhere and always – on the way to work and home, in transport, while walking, on vacation, when doing homework, etc. Your situation will be charged with positive energy from the affirmation you produce. As you repeat these affirmations you will also get insightful thoughts and a deeper understanding of what you need to do to achieve financial prosperity.
Using Magical Praise And Visualization To Increase Success:
The MAGICAL PRAISE AND SUPPORT of others will help you along your path. Try not to listen to bores and losers, and don’t talk about your plans to people who don’t support you. Ask those close to you to only praise and support you on your path. If you don’t have a person to whom you can trust your secrets and ask for support, read the blessing at the end of this book and everything will be fine.
The MAGIC SCREEN exercise will help you better understand yourself, mentally implement your plan. And completely change the program of poverty and failure to a program of abundance and well-being. After three consecutive viewings of the film, you will know exactly what needs to be done to satisfy your desire.
Tools Of Intuition And Magic For Success:
If it is still not completely clear to you what your path in this direction is, use intuitive drawing techniques and be yourself a consultant. Also, if you have difficulties with self-determination in choosing a path. The techniques of analysis and searching for a positive way out and magic mentality will help you understand yourself and your situation. Having done this work, you will clearly understand your path to abundance and material well-being.
A magical blessing will make your prosperity inevitable, and the creation of a magical talisman will support you on your path. Complete your process with a magical visualisation or immersion into an optimal situation resolution. Now think about it. You have done a lot of work, figured yourself out, and found your path in life. But to achieve all this, you need to work a lot and with your labor bring to life all your plans.
Making A Move To Transform Dreams Into The Real World:
Therefore, if you do not want all your wonderful plans to remain just unrealistic thoughts, take everything into your own hands and begin to actively implement your plan. Don’t give up on the first difficulties. Difficulties come from the word “work” and this means that something else needs to be finalized. And now you can always find a positive practical way out of any situation yourself.
Make and write down a practical action plan to realize your dream. Then, without delay, start implementing it. Life is rich, generous, and abundant and all paths are always open to us. A person is the architect of his happiness and how you speed up the materialisation and complete your tasks its depends only on you. Even if everything doesn’t always go as you want, never give up. Continue to work for your dreams and the goddess of Luck will always be with you!