An article about accelerating the materialisation of goals five times faster with the help of visualisation + a free mini-course “How to achieve goals 5 (!) times faster with the help of VISUALIZATION” to boot.
Materialisation Of Goals:

Has there been such a thing in your life that you noticed the materialisation of goals? Just thinking about someone, and he calls you, or does one of your friends mention his name? Or did you make a wish during the chimes on New Year’s Eve, and the wish came true? I think everyone can remember many similar examples in their lives.
Why does this happen? What is it? Just a coincidence, a coincidence, or a natural consequence of our thoughts? How can this be explained?

Everything that we, voluntarily or involuntarily, intentionally or forcedly (fear, memories, analysis of information heard from another person) imagine in our imagination is called visualisation. You may often hear this word, but you don’t quite understand what it means and how exactly it works.
You will say – this is mysticism! Perhaps you are right in some ways, there is something truly magical in this! In literature, on the Internet, and even in people’s conversations, you can sometimes find references to how dreams came true after repeatedly imagining them in your imagination. Few people would openly declare that they practise the visualisation method to fulfil desires. After all, visualisation is not yet the most common tool for achieving goals, and those who use it may hide this fact for fear of being misunderstood by others.
Scientists Describe Visualisation:

Scientists describe visualisation in this way: if a person periodically begins to imagine some situation or desired event (it’s the same as buying a refrigerator or traveling to Paris), then subconsciously he has the desire to fulfil it. With his mind, a person can understand that he now has neither the financial opportunity nor the time to implement his plans. But the subconscious has already begun its work of searching for options and ways to achieve what you want.

What happens next? A person picks up a pen and a piece of paper and writes down his desire (or several desires) on it. Writing on paper, as it were, materialises your dream – here it is, a refrigerator, even though it’s on paper, you can already touch the paper and feel it! It seems that things don’t seem to exist, but they seem to exist. This is a very strong impetus for your consciousness – a qualitative indicator of the transition from the desired to the actual.
If at the end you add a note: “That’s how I want it!” So it will be!”
Example Of Striking:
A striking example can be seen in films about boxers, when, before entering the ring, the coach sets up the fighter for the desired outcome of the fight with the words: “You are the best! You are a winner! You are a champion! You’ll tear it up! Repeat! I am a champion! And the boxer wins! What contributes to this more – either suggestion, physical data, or fighting technique? This is how psychologists describe the results of visualisation. It is difficult to say how true their explanations are. Sometimes the arguments of psychologists are too vague and unconvincing. Psychology rejects mysticism entirely, only accepting materialism that is measurable and provable.
Esotericism asserts that visualization is the most powerful tool for sending signals to the Universe (or Higher Powers).
Aladdin’s Lamp:

The Universe, as described by mystics, is always kind and always fulfills our desires. She, like the genie from the fairy tale about Aladdin’s lamp, always answers one thing – “Let it be your way”. Which will be heard. By using visualisation, we significantly speed up the process of achieving a goal, with a minimum of effort. I can say the following: both psychologists and mystics are right, each in their own way. I had to convince myself of the effectiveness of visualization through personal experience and the experiences of friends who also used this tool.
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