A Basic Guide Solving Problems Through Intuitive Drawing

A Basic Guide Solving Problems Through Intuitive Drawing

When an artist uses their intuition to draw, they tap into their subconscious mind, skipping usual logical thinking. This method works fast and naturally to come up with unique solutions. Both personal and professional issues can be resolved with the use of this form of sketching. Why Are you also looking for Solving problems through intuitive drawing?

Solving Problems Through Intuitive Drawing:

Solving problems through intuitive drawing
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when you practice drawing intuitively. As a result, you disregard the conventional methods of issue-and solving problems through intuitive drawing, which are structured and rational. Rather, you make use of the area of your brain that is primarily responsible for emotions and abstract concepts. In particular, this can be useful if you are stuck. or when an issue appears to be too complicated to resolve using common wisdom.

Intuitive Drawing:

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Take a piece of paper and a pen, formulate and write down the question that worries you at the moment. Then ask your true Self, your true natural intuition, to give you the answer to your question. Start moving your pen over the paper, trying not to control this process. Try to treat this process lightly, like a game. If you take it too seriously, your intuition may be blocked by fear and tension. At the same time, try not to think about anything, but simply draw whatever comes to mind – any geometric shapes, symbols, pictures, drawings – whatever comes naturally or whatever your hand wants.

For some people, insight comes immediately when they try to draw the answer to their question with their left hand. You can also set the task more specifically: draw a symbolic image of what is the answer to your question. Draw intuitively any figure, any image that is the answer to your question. It can be anything – formless and incomprehensible, or something very familiar. The main thing is that for you it intuitively symbolizes the answer to your question.

List Associations:

List all the organizations that come to your mind. The first thought that comes to mind is usually correct. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, there are no mistakes here. Everything you think is correct and somehow relevant to your situation. Specify “What else is the sketch associated with? Perhaps by listening to your intuition, you will immediately understand what your natural intuition means. If not, clarify, and make guesses and assumptions until everything becomes clear to you. You can double-check your guesses with the help of muscle testing, here using the body’s “yes” and “no” answers.

Practical Examples:

Practical examples
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To make it easier for you to master this technique, here are practical examples of solving problems through intuitive drawing from life.

When Alla asked her intuition to give her an answer to the question of what she needed for health and well-being, her hand drew a sun and wavy lines. Alla interpreted this drawing as meaning that she needed a good rest, sea, sun, and beach. Muscle testing completely confirmed this idea.

Understanding Fertility By Listening To Your Body:

Wanted to give birth to a child, but had difficulties conceiving. When she asked the body what the reason was and what was needed to conceive a healthy, good child, the hand drew a sheep. Then N. received many tips on how to change the type of activity to a more calm, pleasant, and suitable one, as well as recommendations on how to show care and attention to her body.

You can ask any questions to your true Self and formulate them differently depending on your goal and task. For example, you can ask your intuition to draw something that will help you solve your problem and then interpret it. You can also ask to draw the optimal way out of your situation, the optimal solution to any problem, etc.

Working In pairs:

Working in pairs
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If you work in pairs, help your partner with leading questions, and changing the wording, to find the correct answer. If your partner cannot formulate what worries him and jumps from one thought to another, ask him to symbolically depict his problem, what worries him most, on paper. It can be any figure or any image. A person should draw intuitively, what seems to him, without thinking too much. Trust the natural wisdom of the body, and it will tell you the answers to its questions. So that the patient does not feel embarrassed about his inability to draw, tell him that you do not demand from him the beauty of the drawing, but rather this is a psychological method of self-expression.

Finding And Resolving Issues With Intuitive Sketching:

Most likely, the patient will draw something shapeless, unlike anything else. You can attempt to decipher the generated image on your own. But it’s better to first ask your partner to say what his drawing looks like and what it is associated with. Ask him not to think too much, but to name everything that comes to mind. If your partner finds it difficult, offer your ideas and associations.

Enriching Intuitive Drawing For Problem Solving:

If you choose the second method, try to collect as much information as possible on the problem. The partner will give out the information that lies on the surface himself. You can “get out” the one that is hidden more deeply by asking leading questions and asking your partner to draw what you need to know. Next, determine what it is using the method of associations, as in the first stage. When you are sure that you have collected enough information, ask the patient to draw something that will help him find a way out of this situation. Let the patient intuitively draw what he thinks will help him in this situation. Then, as before, ask for comments on the associations.

Multiple images could be beneficial for the patient. Ask the patient to draw what will help him until you feel that you have found the key to solving this situation and everything is clear to you. Finally, ask your partner to draw how he would like everything to work out optimally in his life. At this stage, you need to dot all the i’s and work out together all possible ways to solve your partner’s life issues. After all the work you’ve done it won’t be that hard to do.

Independent work:

Independent work
Image by: Freepik

You can also apply this technique yourself to solve problems.

1. If you have a streak of failures in your life or you are faced with a situation from which you cannot find a way out, draw what you think is stopping you at this point in your life. Let your body draw whatever you want. When you get a figure, ask yourself what you associate it with, and write down next to it all the associations that come to your mind. Ask yourself the question “With what else.

2. Now, again intuitively, draw something that will help you find a way out of this situation. and draw intuitively what comes to you. Write down the associations.

Ask Yourself The Question:

“What will help me?” and establish associations as many times as necessary to completely clarify your situation and find a way out of it.

3. Now draw a picture of how you would like everything to turn out in your life, and ask yourself what you need to achieve it. In response to your question, draw everything that comes to you, as described above. Or, it is quite possible that at this stage you have already gained enough subconscious knowledge and will be able to solve this issue rationally.

Even if you can’t master this method right away, don’t stop trying.

Try Different Ways:

change your hand, draw symbols first, and then try to interpret the drawing in words, explain to your inner self how it is more convenient for you to receive information – in general, look for any convenient way for you, your way of communicating with your original natural wisdom. In the end, sooner or later everyone masters this method.

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